free web site traffic and promotion
Christian has been working like crazy.  That man never takes a break.  Little does he know I will be taking his computer even if only for one day.  Dont tell him he doesnt know yet.

On another note there has been progress made.  The site has has 291 Viewers.  Now all we have to work on is getting yall to  "Like, and tweet it" 

I will keep you all updated on our progress. 

Also I have updated the site.  If you didnt notice the difference turn your speakers up.  You get a free preview here.
I did it because that man works so hard.  And if anyone needs recognition it is this guy.  He needs to be put into mainstream And Fast.  I would like anyone who hears his music to just leave a quick comment and let me know what you think.  

Hmm.  On another not I wonder how long it will take chris to realize who put this site together.  It will be crazy to hear his reaction because right now he has no idea who it is.  And neither do any of you. 

For everyone looking at this page.  No Christian did not do this.  And yes I do have the ability to set performaces up for Christian.  And yes I do have the ability to answer Comments or Questions.  Well I think with that Christian may have a clue who I am now.

Leave some comments and recommend this site lets some traffic and Dont forget to hit that LIKE button.

Till later peace people And dont forget to follow me on twitter.


    I know Christian Personally.  This guy is probably one of the most level headed people I know.


    March 2011

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